Dyanamic Future of the Fuel Cells: From Earth to Mars

Surbhi Dahiya


Mars is highly projected to be the next place for human settlement in the coming decades. Hence, the article will focus on how the energy needs of the people settling on Mars or the manned missions there would be fulfilled through the most talked about fuel cells. It shall highlight the technological intervention needed for these fuel cells based on the resources present on the planet. The fuel cell technology will be more viable by embedding solar cells to store and use this energy. Mars’ atmosphere typically comprises 95% carbon dioxide, 3% N2, and 1.6 % argon. There is a high possibility of reducing this carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and utilising this as a part of the fuel cell system.

Fuel-cells convert chemical energy supplied in the form of hydrogen, methanol, etc., into electricity. They are the source of clean and efficient energy and are capable of greater efficiency than conventional sources. They leave no residue except water, which can be reused as the source of water-splitting and providing hydrogen to the fuel-stack system and regenerating electricity. The biggest asset of this system is that it works if the fuel gets supplied; hence, no recharging is required…read more on NOPR