The Ascent of Man: Half a century of the glorious legacy of a popular science classic

Subrato Ghosh


2024 marks passage of fifty years after the passing of Dr Jacob Bronowski in 1974, one of the greatest figures in science popularisation in the world, whose life’s work was manifested in the television series named ‘The Ascent of Man,’ which was first broadcast on BBC in 1973. When I reviewed the vastly popular and groundbreaking book and television series, ‘Cosmos’ made by Carl Sagan in 2020 in Science Reporter, I had occasion to study in depth how the book and television series got to be made. During the course of my study, I realised that Carl Sagan had been influenced deeply by the work of Dr Jacob Bronowski, a scientist and polymath, especially his book and television series named, ‘The Ascent of Man,’ which was broadcast in 1973. Expressing admiration for the intellectual breadth of Jacob Bronowski, Carl Sagan went on to quote him several times in his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, ‘The Dragons of Eden,’ published in 1977…read more on NOPR