
Vikas Kumar Tiwari


Can I bet everyone is aware of pain? Most of us have felt it sufficient times in our life. Leave aside its philosophical and romantic connotation, one thing is always associated with it: unpleasantness. Nobody honestly likes pain. Perception of pain is so vast that it can spread from a simple cut in daily chores to terminal cancer pain. While pain is certainly uncomfortable, it serves an essential purpose as a signal from our bodies that something is wrong. We can consider it a warning sign or information on which we must act immediately. Sometimes, defining the simplest things to include its holistic character is the most difficult.

Pain is defined as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage” by IASP (International Association for the Study of Pain). IASP is the supreme authority over pain study, research, and intervention. Notice carefully, even if they put the unpleasant word first to identify it. Doctors usually divide pain into two categories based on the chronicity of pain duration. First is acute pain, which occurs suddenly, is connected to an injury or illness, and fades away with healing/time. Another type is chronic pain, lasting longer, often for months or even years. Apparently, this type does not help us by giving information about some problems and mostly acts as a problem.

We all are aware of arthritis or migraines, but there are other syndromes, such as fibromyalgia and chronic regional pain syndrome. These are typical chronic pain illnesses, and they can be…read more on NOPR