A unique cushion plant covered with woolly leaves resembles a white sheep grazing on mountain slopes.
Unusually, the blood of these crabs is blue due to the presence of a copper-based respiratory pigment called haemocyanin, which also contains amoebocytes.
There are a few criteria that scientists use to measure the intelligence of fish. These include problem-solving abilities, social behaviour, learning and memory, and the ability to adapt to changing environments
Despite its miniature dimensions, the fish harbours a rich behavioural repertoire and maintains optical transparency into adulthood, rendering it an invaluable subject for neuroscience exploration.
With a lifespan of just four to five months, this unique species from Madagascar unveils a stunning array of colours controlled by its nervous system, even in its last moments.
The unique ability of Lithops to change leaf colouration demonstrates their adaptability and responsiveness to their surroundings, allowing them to maximise their chances of survival in their arid and challenging habitats.
The queen is a central figure, an orchestrator of life and productivity. Her presence dictates the harmony within the hive, ensuring the continuation of the colony’s legacy.
Its most striking feature is high alkalinity, letting cyanobacteria thrive, which produces a vibrant, deep-red hue to the lake.
Can we remain assured that our woolen or silk garments are safe in our almirahs? Not as long as you are sure that your almirah is free of the case-making clothes moth
In 1993, the first image of a living saola was captured in captivity. The most recent was captured in 2013 by a camera that was activated by movement in a jungle in central Vietnam.